Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Damn Good Vegan Cornbread - My New Recipe

So after a few attempts, I think we are close to master class level for Vegan Cornbread. Here we go

2 TBSP of Ground Flax Seed
1 CUP Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1 Cup Corn Meal
2 - 2 1/2 TBSP of Organic Maple Syrup
4 TSP Baking Powder
3/4 TSP (or to taste) of Sea Salt
6 TBSP of Water
1 CUP of Soy, Rice, Hemp, Almond Milk (We used half Soy & half Hemp, all we had on hand both unsweetened vanilla)
1/4 to almost but not quite 1/2 cup of Organic Apple Sauce

*we also chopped up a white onion and added in to the mix

Combine Wet ingredients in a bowl

Combine Dry ingredients in a bowl

Pre-Heat to 425 degrees

Combine all ingredients

Try to grease your pan somehow (we went with the Vegan margarine)

Pour mix in pan, and bake for 20 - 25 minutes

It was delicious and I'm convinced you add some veggie broth and whatever else you need in stuffing and you're golden.

It delivered a not too sweet balanced cornbread

Try it out!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Still E2 strong . . .

Glad to report today, that I'm down 37 lbs. Saying I feel great is an understatement, I feel incredible. I've said this before and I'll say it again, it's the best lifestyle change I've ever made. It grow every day with new recipes and new discoveries of foods and combinations of everything I eat. I wish they would teach this in a proper health class in school. We'd all be better for it not to mention a completely different race.

So, if you feel like you need a change in your lifestyle or the way you eat, it couldn't be any more simple. Purchase the E2 book and discover the wealth of knowledge, not to mention support you will find taking this new direction.

I hope to update more now, as I see my goal in at the end of the tunnel. My metabolism is through the roof, and lately I've actually been hungry, where as before I would eat just to eat or out of boredom. SOmedays I can't eat enough. I love it. Eat more, lose weight.

I haven;t strayed once thus far. Not even recently on wife's birthday at Uchi, who do offer some nice alternative to traditional sushi.

Yeah, I'm giddy. I'm here for anyone thinking about taking the plunge or if anyone wee to have questions. So if I can ever help, just ask.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 22 -28

I made it through my first 28 days with no problem. Yeah I didn't blog as much, but things have been hectic right now and no time to blog. I feel great and overall dropped 15 pounds in those 28 days. I love the lifestyle and as of right now have zero intentions of living it any less than 98 -100%. 

Yes, I will have a drink from time to time, but as far dairy, meat, most oils go - I simply don't need them. Hell, I don;t even prefer them anymore, it's simple, and basically you're just switching your ingredients. And what I've found is, all the new ingredients make me feel and look great. So i can slim down and live healthy and long just by eating right? You bet. So what's the big deal? Do it already.  It was the easiest change I've made and I'm in total love with it. Most people feel it's an impossible task to eat right, quite the contrary. Yeah, you do have to cook and prep alot, but if you can;t make time for that, maybe it's time to re-evaluate your priorities. 

No I don't feel like cooking dinner every night, neither does my wife, doesn't mean we don't still eat something good. You have to make time for your health, almost above all, but once you take a few weeks to do it, you're golden. 

I don't prefer the word vegan, vegetarian, macro-biotic, diet or any of that.  I'm searching for something new, some of these terms come of elitist and pretentious. I prefer knowing it's a healthy life and one I can take pride in, and know that I have a way better chance eating fresh and grown from the earth, not made in a factory somewhere with ingredients made by man. 

I plan to keep posting my progress from time to time documenting my results. I've made it plant strong and changed my life forever. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 22

Feeling good, starting some basic tennis lessons last week and played again today. Love it. I wish I would have kept playing as I did when I was young, regardless feels good to be back. 

Yesterday was fine. 

The E2 Sloppy Joe was damn tasty. 

I feel lean and mean (Even though I have a lot to go) but nonetheless feeling strong. 

E2 workout 

Tennis Lessons/Play 1 hour

Food Log

Big Bowl of Cereal w/ Banana

Carrot Sticks

E2 Wrap in Collard Green with Hummus and tomato

2 - Fig Newton's Barbara's

E2 Sloppy Joe with handful of Tortillas Chips & Homemade Salsa

Monday, April 13, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 18 -21

Yeah, I'm getting lazier posting on this thing, not vause I'm off E2 or eating bad, just been busy. Not that anyone reads this anyway. 

I'm now down almost 12 pounds as I enter my fourth week. Last week was a mess due to lack of a fridge, but Friday we got our new one and have it up and running so all is well. 

We've made some new food recently and have just been having a great time eating so healthy. 

The one craving I can't shake is one of my all time favorite things, an Everything Bagel. 

I'm geeked to say I found a Hemp Nutty Bagel at New Flower here in Austin, and yeah it does have a bit higher fat count, but it's good fat. The Bagel is pure and natural, and sorry I couldn't resist. 

Have a fishing trip this weekend at the coast. Already planning my snacks for on the boat and off. As long as I am armed with my goods, should be piece of cake, although a beer will be tough to resist, maybe just one. 

Anyway, I got a bit ahead of myself feeling so good, tried on a few "skinny" shirts, but still got more to poundage to drop to make them work like they used to, but it's coming. SO I keep working out and eating plant strong!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 17

It's extremely difficult to keep the E2 plan strong without a fridge. Trust me we've done all we can, we are supposed to have it by Friday for sure. We've eaten out alot since My mom went to the hospital last week. So I feel I haven;t as pure as I would like. Not to say I've eaten meat or gone off track, I haven't I constantly question what and where I eat and am sure I've bumped into a oil a few times. 

But not to worry. I'm still down in weight and focused. I hope to get the fridge and get lean and mean with an even stronger commitment to Engine 2 once we are fully operational. 

Yesterday we went to Casa De Luz for lunch. Yeah, they use some oil in some of their foods, i notice it;s healthier oil options at least with a controlled portion. Still wonderful food, and damn close to being pure vegan for a restaurant. 

I find myself not craving meat or alcohol barely at all. Sure, after a hard day's work in the yard, nothing is better than an ice cold beer, but later for that. 

I have a huge mountain to climb, and I'm determined to get there come hell or high water. The difference this time, is that's where I'm gonna stay. For my health, my life and my family. 

People ask me how can I eat vegan, and so on. I simply say, look at where 34 years of the other way has gotten me. No to generalize, but its true. It was a bigger struggle, pure and simple. Now, I feel if I over eat some, it's hell of alot easier to correct. I don't get down or beat myself up. 

My friends and family have all been great, and really supportive.  Others just can't comprehend anything other than what they know. In many ways thats gotten us to where we are as a nation and a world. 

What do we know?  I always think of that line from JFK - "How do you know who your daddy is? Cause your Momma told ya." Kinda of a double edged sword.  In one regard who are we to question our mothers, teachers, government. On the other, seek for yourself and find the truth, know it, touch it, feel it. That's me, completely narcissistic I have to know for myself, and touch it. That's what I did with this lifestyle change. Reached out for change, I tried and enjoy it more everyday. 

Exercise Log
Treadmill 27 minutes, warm-up 10 minute mile (that kills me)

Food Log
E2 PB & Toast with banana

Lunch at Casa De Luz
Pesto Lentil Soup
Garden Salad
Basmati Rice with mushroom gravy
Greens mixed with lemon

Toasted O's 

Veggie Burger (ordered out I took their bread off)
Fruit Salad

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 15 & 16

I'm off to a bad start this week with posts, but I'm doing great and still strong on the Engine 2 plan. 

Not having a refrigerator has really thrown a wrench in my E2 system, so we are struggling with that but still hanging in there. 

Feeling good, feeling clean & light. Trying to workout more this week and push harder. 

Exercise Monday
Engine 2 Routine

Exercise Tuesday
Treadmill 25 minutes, 2.4 miles

Food Log For Monday
PB & Toast

Toasted O's & Handful of cashews


Natural Fruit Bar

Mr. Natural Veggie Burger

Tuesday Food Log
Big Bowl of Cereal with Banana


Veggie Sandwich from Panera with an Apple

Toasted O's with handful of cashews

E2's Pasta Primavera

Vegan Cookies Molasses

Monday, April 6, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 11 - 14

Been a very long few days, mostly due to my mother's illness, so I have not been able to update as often as I would have liked. Good news is, she is recovering fine and should leave the hospital today. 

I will catch back up on my daily blog beginning tomorrow, I managed to survive and not go off the E2 plan at all. Yes I had to eat in a few locations I'd prefer to avoid, but was able to find healthy alternatives that kept me right on track. Like the Veggie Sandwich at Panera, had a light Stri-Fry Eggplant at a chinese restaurant, so not perfect items but damn close. 

So, back to regular posts tomorrow. 

I have lost another 2.5 pounds, so right about 8 pounds dropped in two weeks. Which is fine by me. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 10

A much better day today, feeling good and seeing myself slim down little by little.  Results ar back from my first blood work test, and goes like this - 

Calculated LDL CHOL - 70
Cholesterol - 131
HDL Cholesterol - 40
Risk Ratio LDL/HDL - 1.74
Triglycerides - 107

So I don't fully understand all those number yet, but seems okay at a glance, for all I know it could be bad, gonna clean up research tonight.  

I wish I would have had it all done before I began but oh well. 

Again, it was a good day - decent workout in the morning, but overall nothing too amazing to share. Still going Strong.

Exercise Log - 
Aerobic Run/Walk 30 minutes
Steam Sauna 10 minutes

Food Log
Jeremy's Big Bowl of Cereal


Leftover Pizza

Cashews (Small handful)

Tacos Veggie Chorizo, Tomatoes, Cilantro, Onion, Romaine Lettuce, on Corn Tortillas

1 - E2 Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 9

Man oh man. Another tough day. I don't know what's going on, but I'm feeling down. Work is rough right now, I know not everyday is sunshine and rainbows, but I've been worried for two days now.  

Luckily I have not fallen off the wagon, and tonight our pizza, a big tradition with my wife and I came out great. I couldn't taste any difference, so that was a relief.  

I haven't felt all that different this week, but I'm hoping it will change. I tried to eat more greens today and drink tons of water, even more than I already do. 

I fast from 8p Monday night until this morning, and got my blood work done at Westlake Medical Center, a beautiful hospital facility.  Results should be here tomorrow, so we shall see where that cholesterol is at. 

So, on to a better tomorrow. 

Engine 2 workout (I love this, I really do)

Food Log

Pretzels (I gotta find a new snack)

E2 Basic Salad
E2 Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

Fruit Bar 

Spelt Pizza, with Spinach, Basil, Red Grapes, Tempeh Bacon, A little Vegan Mozzarella (Couldn't resist), Garlic, Nutritional Yeast, Caramelized Onions (Cooked in T Raw Sugar)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 8

Today was a test. It was hard. Stress from work, and overall just being a bad day lead me to almost eat off the plan. That's not to say, I was weak but I found myself around lunch time almost going to eat like I used to. 

I dug deep, got a grip. I panicked some, but I made it. It bothered me a great deal, I was cruising on Engine 2. 

Later I struggled again, realizing I needed to make sure I was exploring new recipes and not just eating the things I liked. We all know, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. 

Light workout in the morning, and I fasted form 8p on, due to my blood-work I was having done the following morning.  

I feel this week is a test. So I'm digging in. 

Also, I realized not to weigh myself everyday. It's no good. I did today and had weighed a whole pound heavier than I had before.  Only once a week from now on.  

Basketball (light) 
Steam Sauna


Big Bowl of Cereal w/ Hemp Milk


Veggie Burger with homemade Savitchi (Wife made this and it's awesome)

Whole Grain Pretzels

Pita with Homemade Hummus, Savitchi and Hearts of Romaine Lettuce. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 7

Overall very good day, was happy to go grocery shopping and re-stock certain items. Been a great week and so far a solid success.  My wife & I finished our organic garden and got all our veggies and herbs in place, we love it. 

Not too much to say - so tomorrow it is. 

Food Log 

Big Bowl of Cereal

Veggie Chorizo Taco with Tofu scramble on corn tortilla
Veggie Taco with Organic Beans, tomatoes, tofu scramble and lettuce

Handful of pretzels

Veggie Black Bean Tamale
Homemade Salsa
Guiltless Gourmet Unsalted Corn Chips

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 6

I'm happy to report I've dropped 5.5 lbs since Monday! That feels great. Today was a lot of fun. The weight loss is a huge motivating factor in helping keeping you focused. I love the food, and to see the weight diminish is icing on the cake. 

So not much to say, wonderful day - feeling strong and clean. 

Engine 2 Stretches
Engine 2 Workout

E2's PB & Toast

Frozen grapes

Homemade Veggie Burger with Whole Grain Buns

Banana (Sorry this bunch we got are awesome)
Handful Pretzels

Ann's Panini (After a big day in the garden we didn;t feel like making a big meal, gonna make up for that on Sunday Night)

E2 Brownie

Engine 2 Day 4 & 5

Thursday was a great day. Far less bloated and overall feeling quite clean and light. 

Had a good run in the morning, and the day played out normal. 

My wife and I agreed Thursday night, that we felt that for the first time on a new eating plan/diet, we could easily eat this way for the rest of our lives. When we have tried other ways of eating or fad diets, we always felt compromised, or that we were not eating what we want. I can honestly say I feel I have compromised nothing in what I enjoy eating and have been satisfied with every meal. 

Thursday Exercise

Aerobic/Running  - 26 minutes Treadmill

Stationary Bike - 12 minutes

Food Log


E2's PB & Toast

Handful of Whole Grain Pretzels

Lunch (At Bouldin Creek Cafe, which is primarily Vegan/Vegetarian)
Supreme Veggie Taco
A bite of Vegan Queso

Wasa Cracker

Mushroom Fajitas
Baked Corn Tortillas (For Chips, and cut into triangles)
E2 Salsa
E2 Guacamole

E2 Brownies


Friday was another wonderful day. I'm feeling really good. Clean and light. Another interesting thing is happening, I guess the best way to describe it is - a natural release of your "chi". The natural flow of electricity in your body. Whatever you call it, I feel the release of overall negative tension or blocks in my body. The results of that are a strong natural high. A clearing of the mind, more creative - I've been drawn to my guitar a lot over this past week, which I haven't played much in sometime. You start to feel like you've had 6 cups of coffee even though you've had none. It's great. I love it. 

Today as also special because my wife & I attended the Engine 2 potluck dinner. This was amazing. Obviously meeting and spending a little time with Rip was wonderful and inspiring, but the food was lights out great! 

A Big spread of some amazing dishes we are dying to get recipes for. From Enchiladas to Lasagna it was all there and every bit of it was delicious. We also got an Engine 2 reusable Shopping bag, which is always cool. Met some wonderful new people and enjoyed seeing this community that is growing quite fast. 

Rip's Big Bowl of Cereal (My version)

Handful of Whole Grain Pretzels

Lunch (At East Side Cafe)
Veggie Burger (No Buns, with lettuce tomato and onions)
Small Mixed Greens Salad
With a side of limes for my water and extra taste to all and a small side of Balsamic Vinegar

Wasa Cracker 
Watermelon chunks

E2 Potluck Dinner (I tried a bite of everything!)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 3

The morning was more of the same from Tuesday, but as the day went on I began to feel great. Alot more energy, and less bloated.  

Energy has been up and down all week, especially at the end of the day, getting really tired, old man tired.  But, this has helped me sleep like a baby. Two striaght great nights of sleep, so I'm thankful for that. 

Still sore from the Monday workout, it was a tough run this morning, but I walked when I was struggling and just kept at it. 

I faced a first mini-challenege today as well, Work Lunch. I was quite nervous about eating out so soon, but prepped the best I could. I took a little bit of balsamic vinegar with me for my dressing and ordered a dry Baby Spinach salad, which had lettuce, cherry tomatoes, carrots and cabbage as well. It wasn't bad, not the best lunch I've had but certaintly not the worst. I also ordered a side of fruit, and a side of limes.  I squished limes over my salad, and in my water -which helped with flavor. 

Another good day, still had horrible de-tox headaches late in theh day, but just tried to fight through it. 

Exercise & Food Log

25 minutes - Treadmill  Walk/Run

Rip's Big Bowl of Cereal

Frozen Grapes

Baby Spinach Salad with Balsamic Vinegar
Side of Fresh Fruit

Handful of Whole Grain Pretzels (These save my life)
Small Orange

E2 Basic Pita with Gnocchi left overs With Romaine & Balsamic Vinegar

Cold Dumpster Cobbler with Agave (No, I should not have had this back to back nights)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 2


Man I was bloated and gassy all day long, very uncomfortable. Yes that is gross, but part of it all. High fiber certainly eating keeps you regular, or as with me right now, cleans you out.  It's great though, I just hate feeling swollen, but I know it's an adjustment, as my body says "Whoa!" 

It was a good day, I was quite sore all day and by the end of the day had trouble going up and down the stairs at work. The Engine 2 workout is literally full body, I had never felt like that after a workout, everything was sore. But, I know it's all for a good reason. 

So far all the meals are really, really good. I've had zero trouble adapting to it, yeah I've worried about taste a little, but I'm finding it all tastes really good. 

I do prefer Hemp Milk to all other Milk options, Almond & Soy I just don't like much. 

I really wanted a beer or glass of wine last night, but decided against it. Doing all I can to stay pure for this initial four weeks. It felt good to make the right choice, but I don't think I'll ever give up beer or wine, just like them too much, but deal with that later. Purity for now. 

I slept awesome, deep solid sleep.  

Another day gone, another day gained. 

Exercise & Food Log

Raquetball - 30 minutes

2 - E2 Breakfast tacos, with Gimmie Lean Sausage and Fat Free Hash Browns, 3 Corn Tortillas

Snack 1
1/2 Banana (Other half kinda rotten)

2 - Yves Veggie Dogs with Veggie Chili Beans, Diced Onions and Natural Organic Mustard
on Whole Grain no sugar added Hot Dog Buns
1 - Unsweetened Applesauce

Snack 2 
2 - Wasa Crackers
2 - Barbara's Rasberry Fig Newtons

Handful of Whole Grain Pretzels
E2 Basic Red sauce with Veggie Crumbles & Gnocchi Pasta (This was damn Good)
1/4 - Pita Bread

The E2 Dumpster Blueberry Cobbler 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 1

I began a lifestyle change yesterday, based on local Austin firefighter Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 plan, which consists of a plant based diet. Yes, no meat or oils. Growing up "Meat & Potatoes" style, this is certainly a different step for me, but one I'm willing to take.  After firing up the Wii Fit and being measured at Obese, I wanted to die. Not that I didn't think I was overweight, but it was time to face the music. How had I gotten here?  I used to be in pretty good shape, I had tried Weight Watchers once, with success, but found it lacked an exit strategy and I realized by the end of it, I hadn't made a lifestyle change, so it was back to square one. Me. If I can't hold myself accountable, then I will never succeed.  

I found E2 by accident. I was looking for ideas to re-structure my life, make a change I could work on and after an initial time maintain and live my life by it.  I love the book and despite some opinions that assume Plant Based is somehow not good for you, I took the plunge. 

I'm writing this on Day 2, and felt great yesterday.  My darkest hour is from 3 -5pm, I seem to get a burst of hunger at that time, but I made it fine with proper snacks and water.  I believe I made one mistake so far, the chip we had, had some oil in them and were not fat free. 

I didn't panic, just stopped eating them and moved on.  My wife's homemade salsa is pretty much the same as the E2 version, so no big deal there. OVerall, my wife and I already eat alot of what's in the plan, so I wasn't feeling overwhelmed by too much. (I did panic once late afternoon yesterday, thinking about some of my favorite restaurants in Austin, My God What have I done! Then ate a Wasa Cracker and walked around)

We had some Veggie Tamales last night too, made by Oaxacan Tamaeleo. I was not completely sure if they were made right, but after i ate one decided I better stick firm to the E2 recipes. 

I woke up feeling bloated, assuming it might be the start of some change, or whatever.  We'll see. 

*I'm not gonna cover everything E2 offers, I recommend you look into it and research it for yourself. 

Food & Exercise Log:

1 -Tablespoon Organic Natural Peanut Butter
1 - Set of E2 Stretches
1 - E2 Workout routine

Rip's Big Bowl of Cereal
w/ Hemp Milk


Ann's Panini (Delicious)
Barbara's Fig Newton (2)

Wasa Cracker
Barbara's Fig Newton (2)

Guiltless Gourmet Chips (Wrong Ones)
Homemade Sals
1 - Veggie Black Bean Tamale (Not sure of all the ingredients, so gonna avoid for a bit)

*Couldn't resist - a small, small bowl of Grape Nuts w/ Hemp Milk 

I plan to add pictures and possibly videos as I go along. 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Matagorda, Tx.
Near Elgin, Texas