Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 22 -28

I made it through my first 28 days with no problem. Yeah I didn't blog as much, but things have been hectic right now and no time to blog. I feel great and overall dropped 15 pounds in those 28 days. I love the lifestyle and as of right now have zero intentions of living it any less than 98 -100%. 

Yes, I will have a drink from time to time, but as far dairy, meat, most oils go - I simply don't need them. Hell, I don;t even prefer them anymore, it's simple, and basically you're just switching your ingredients. And what I've found is, all the new ingredients make me feel and look great. So i can slim down and live healthy and long just by eating right? You bet. So what's the big deal? Do it already.  It was the easiest change I've made and I'm in total love with it. Most people feel it's an impossible task to eat right, quite the contrary. Yeah, you do have to cook and prep alot, but if you can;t make time for that, maybe it's time to re-evaluate your priorities. 

No I don't feel like cooking dinner every night, neither does my wife, doesn't mean we don't still eat something good. You have to make time for your health, almost above all, but once you take a few weeks to do it, you're golden. 

I don't prefer the word vegan, vegetarian, macro-biotic, diet or any of that.  I'm searching for something new, some of these terms come of elitist and pretentious. I prefer knowing it's a healthy life and one I can take pride in, and know that I have a way better chance eating fresh and grown from the earth, not made in a factory somewhere with ingredients made by man. 

I plan to keep posting my progress from time to time documenting my results. I've made it plant strong and changed my life forever. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 22

Feeling good, starting some basic tennis lessons last week and played again today. Love it. I wish I would have kept playing as I did when I was young, regardless feels good to be back. 

Yesterday was fine. 

The E2 Sloppy Joe was damn tasty. 

I feel lean and mean (Even though I have a lot to go) but nonetheless feeling strong. 

E2 workout 

Tennis Lessons/Play 1 hour

Food Log

Big Bowl of Cereal w/ Banana

Carrot Sticks

E2 Wrap in Collard Green with Hummus and tomato

2 - Fig Newton's Barbara's

E2 Sloppy Joe with handful of Tortillas Chips & Homemade Salsa

Monday, April 13, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 18 -21

Yeah, I'm getting lazier posting on this thing, not vause I'm off E2 or eating bad, just been busy. Not that anyone reads this anyway. 

I'm now down almost 12 pounds as I enter my fourth week. Last week was a mess due to lack of a fridge, but Friday we got our new one and have it up and running so all is well. 

We've made some new food recently and have just been having a great time eating so healthy. 

The one craving I can't shake is one of my all time favorite things, an Everything Bagel. 

I'm geeked to say I found a Hemp Nutty Bagel at New Flower here in Austin, and yeah it does have a bit higher fat count, but it's good fat. The Bagel is pure and natural, and sorry I couldn't resist. 

Have a fishing trip this weekend at the coast. Already planning my snacks for on the boat and off. As long as I am armed with my goods, should be piece of cake, although a beer will be tough to resist, maybe just one. 

Anyway, I got a bit ahead of myself feeling so good, tried on a few "skinny" shirts, but still got more to poundage to drop to make them work like they used to, but it's coming. SO I keep working out and eating plant strong!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 17

It's extremely difficult to keep the E2 plan strong without a fridge. Trust me we've done all we can, we are supposed to have it by Friday for sure. We've eaten out alot since My mom went to the hospital last week. So I feel I haven;t as pure as I would like. Not to say I've eaten meat or gone off track, I haven't I constantly question what and where I eat and am sure I've bumped into a oil a few times. 

But not to worry. I'm still down in weight and focused. I hope to get the fridge and get lean and mean with an even stronger commitment to Engine 2 once we are fully operational. 

Yesterday we went to Casa De Luz for lunch. Yeah, they use some oil in some of their foods, i notice it;s healthier oil options at least with a controlled portion. Still wonderful food, and damn close to being pure vegan for a restaurant. 

I find myself not craving meat or alcohol barely at all. Sure, after a hard day's work in the yard, nothing is better than an ice cold beer, but later for that. 

I have a huge mountain to climb, and I'm determined to get there come hell or high water. The difference this time, is that's where I'm gonna stay. For my health, my life and my family. 

People ask me how can I eat vegan, and so on. I simply say, look at where 34 years of the other way has gotten me. No to generalize, but its true. It was a bigger struggle, pure and simple. Now, I feel if I over eat some, it's hell of alot easier to correct. I don't get down or beat myself up. 

My friends and family have all been great, and really supportive.  Others just can't comprehend anything other than what they know. In many ways thats gotten us to where we are as a nation and a world. 

What do we know?  I always think of that line from JFK - "How do you know who your daddy is? Cause your Momma told ya." Kinda of a double edged sword.  In one regard who are we to question our mothers, teachers, government. On the other, seek for yourself and find the truth, know it, touch it, feel it. That's me, completely narcissistic I have to know for myself, and touch it. That's what I did with this lifestyle change. Reached out for change, I tried and enjoy it more everyday. 

Exercise Log
Treadmill 27 minutes, warm-up 10 minute mile (that kills me)

Food Log
E2 PB & Toast with banana

Lunch at Casa De Luz
Pesto Lentil Soup
Garden Salad
Basmati Rice with mushroom gravy
Greens mixed with lemon

Toasted O's 

Veggie Burger (ordered out I took their bread off)
Fruit Salad

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 15 & 16

I'm off to a bad start this week with posts, but I'm doing great and still strong on the Engine 2 plan. 

Not having a refrigerator has really thrown a wrench in my E2 system, so we are struggling with that but still hanging in there. 

Feeling good, feeling clean & light. Trying to workout more this week and push harder. 

Exercise Monday
Engine 2 Routine

Exercise Tuesday
Treadmill 25 minutes, 2.4 miles

Food Log For Monday
PB & Toast

Toasted O's & Handful of cashews


Natural Fruit Bar

Mr. Natural Veggie Burger

Tuesday Food Log
Big Bowl of Cereal with Banana


Veggie Sandwich from Panera with an Apple

Toasted O's with handful of cashews

E2's Pasta Primavera

Vegan Cookies Molasses

Monday, April 6, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 11 - 14

Been a very long few days, mostly due to my mother's illness, so I have not been able to update as often as I would have liked. Good news is, she is recovering fine and should leave the hospital today. 

I will catch back up on my daily blog beginning tomorrow, I managed to survive and not go off the E2 plan at all. Yes I had to eat in a few locations I'd prefer to avoid, but was able to find healthy alternatives that kept me right on track. Like the Veggie Sandwich at Panera, had a light Stri-Fry Eggplant at a chinese restaurant, so not perfect items but damn close. 

So, back to regular posts tomorrow. 

I have lost another 2.5 pounds, so right about 8 pounds dropped in two weeks. Which is fine by me. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 10

A much better day today, feeling good and seeing myself slim down little by little.  Results ar back from my first blood work test, and goes like this - 

Calculated LDL CHOL - 70
Cholesterol - 131
HDL Cholesterol - 40
Risk Ratio LDL/HDL - 1.74
Triglycerides - 107

So I don't fully understand all those number yet, but seems okay at a glance, for all I know it could be bad, gonna clean up research tonight.  

I wish I would have had it all done before I began but oh well. 

Again, it was a good day - decent workout in the morning, but overall nothing too amazing to share. Still going Strong.

Exercise Log - 
Aerobic Run/Walk 30 minutes
Steam Sauna 10 minutes

Food Log
Jeremy's Big Bowl of Cereal


Leftover Pizza

Cashews (Small handful)

Tacos Veggie Chorizo, Tomatoes, Cilantro, Onion, Romaine Lettuce, on Corn Tortillas

1 - E2 Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Engine 2 - Day 9

Man oh man. Another tough day. I don't know what's going on, but I'm feeling down. Work is rough right now, I know not everyday is sunshine and rainbows, but I've been worried for two days now.  

Luckily I have not fallen off the wagon, and tonight our pizza, a big tradition with my wife and I came out great. I couldn't taste any difference, so that was a relief.  

I haven't felt all that different this week, but I'm hoping it will change. I tried to eat more greens today and drink tons of water, even more than I already do. 

I fast from 8p Monday night until this morning, and got my blood work done at Westlake Medical Center, a beautiful hospital facility.  Results should be here tomorrow, so we shall see where that cholesterol is at. 

So, on to a better tomorrow. 

Engine 2 workout (I love this, I really do)

Food Log

Pretzels (I gotta find a new snack)

E2 Basic Salad
E2 Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

Fruit Bar 

Spelt Pizza, with Spinach, Basil, Red Grapes, Tempeh Bacon, A little Vegan Mozzarella (Couldn't resist), Garlic, Nutritional Yeast, Caramelized Onions (Cooked in T Raw Sugar)