Thursday, July 29, 2010

Prior to Inception, the latest trailer for FIncher's "The Social Network" came on, and that wonderful music/song in the background, a cover of Radiohead's "Creep" but the all female choir - Scala

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Panascout App for iPhone

Awesome app and must have for ay filmmaker. If you haven't seen it check it out, it rocks.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Can't stop watching this . . .

Every now & then a video captures my mind and I simply can't stop watching it. This one is the latest, enjoy.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The American Astronaut

The American Astronaut is a film by writer/director Cory McAbee and is unlike anything you've ever seen. THat's not entirely true, it immediately summons feelings as far back as 50's sci-fi, elements of David Lynch, deep cinematography and incredible musical numbers. I'm late to the game on Cory's work, but I'm happy to spread the word about this great film. A long time movie fan, I find what appeals to me most these days is the unexpected or new image. This movie is certainly filled with that and reminded me to not take films so seriously sometimes as I often do. That' not to say this is some silly-fest of nothing it's great. Recently Cory created another great web series for Sundance, "Stingray Sam". It continues the unique vein/vision of Astronaut but start here. Again, highly recommended.

Between the Scenes, Rapid Eye Movement

My good friend Owen & I first ventured into filmmaking together some years ago. Ambitious and bold we attempted the "No Man's Land" of short films, by creating kind of a pilot in most regards, that while has it's merits left us without a home for it. Regardless, Rapid Eye Movement was a wonderful learning process and one I cherish. The video's from Austin's
"Between the Scenes" - they were kind enough to come out one night and see what we were up to. This really doesn't do much justice to our finished movie, hopefully more of you see some day.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Food preparation, Diets and other thoughts

Another thought on Diets and what they say about us not only as a country but as a race. In some ways, I feel diets display a de-evolution of us as humans. Having lost touch with the simplicity of growing and cooking our own food.

I know, its a hustle & bustle world today, "on-the-go", gotta grab something quick. I was there. All the time. I live the same life now and somehow avoid needing to grab something quick. So I looked at what I had done and am no currently doing.

Preparation. In the same amount of time I used to sit at a drive-thru, I prep my snacks and lunch for the day in the morning. On Sundays we prep a lot of food to have throughout the week.

And we don't really need half the food we eat anyway.

Yeah I'm off track, but back to diets for a second, it's like waiting for a voice to talk to us fro the sky. We buy books, buy products, exercise equipment and nine times out of ten, all of this ends up covered in dust and useless.

The truth is, we don't need any of this stuff. What we need is fresh food and dedication to preparation. It's rewarding. Inspiring.

I used to not think much of cooking. Oh, it's something mom does. I was completely wrong.

Now, and I'm far from a pro, but I love it. I can't stand not to do it. It's magical. Yeah that reads corny, but it's true. And, it's so simple.

You grasp the basic spices and herbs and really you can do anything with them.

It's kinda amazing to walk through a grocery store. Yeah we run in and get things or hit our certain aisles for weekly shopping but have you ever gone in when you don;t need anything? Just to look at it all. It's quite eye opening. It's all another way we've been bought & sold through marketing and advertising. Come to think of it there's so much we don't need in this country it's scary as hell.

But as far as food is concerned, we gotta take it back. This has certainly rambled on all over the place, but had to share. I'm striving for more clarity.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Exit

After almost a year now spent in a serious lifestyle change, simply being vegan. People always refer to my new found way of eating as a "diet". I simply explain it's not a diet, but a lifestyle change. I have no plans of returning to what I once was. It didn't work for me. I tried different ways to lose weight and stay slim and found success but, and this is my fault for the most part, resorted to old bad habits. Then found myself fat again.

I've often thought about fad diets and their consequences. I'm comfortable taking a stand, because I have tried some of these diets and know first hand what the real problem with any "diet" is.

In my opinion, there's simply no Exit Strategy from most of these diets. You can begin one, stay on one, but ultimately the biggest fear is "What about when I'm done?". Suddenly you find yourself without the safety net of routine and a guide on how to eat and live.

I'm sure some have had zero problems coming off these diets and staying thin and fit. As with anything in life, there's always an exception.

But for most of us, it's a massive struggle and one we quickly find ourselves slipping away at.

I think the most important thing to focus on while attempting any diet is the lifestyle change. As you grow letting go of the emotional tie with all have with food and unlearning everything we know to this point. Eat to live as some would say. Practice reserve, portion control and of course, moderation.

Sometimes having talked to different people on and off of different diets, it's all about the routine but nothing is being learned. We just do it. Buy the book, hit the grocery store and begin.

What I've learned is food had a strangle hold on me and I still wrestle with that to this day, but I'm doing everything I can to understand and change. Of course it's not easy, we all now what would happen if it were.

I think we all need to re-learn food and it's proper place. Avoid fad diets and start by looking in the mirror. First be accountable. Then make the change. Step by step, day by day. Slow & steady. I'm still learning and know that each day holds something new.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Friends of Eddie Coyle

Need a great movie to watch? Then look no further. Raw lost 70's gem that I absolutely love. The Friends of Eddie Coyle. I mean it has Robert Mitchum, that should be enough for you right there. They don't make these types of movies anymore, in fact this type of movie would scare the hell out of any studio today. This movie will leave you in the dust if you don't pay attention. For most people I sell it like this, "Think The Departed, but way less obvious". No knock on The Departed, good movie, but I've seen this movie a few times now and am still not convinced I know exactly what happened. Criterion put out a stellar edition on DVD awhile back and this is 70's cinema at it's finest. It's not for everybody, but if you like raw subtle story full of great characters give it a spin. They just don't make movies like this anymore. You have to watch to get it, you can't sleep walk through this picture. It demands you get involved and stay there.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New website . . .

Finally, a website. Something I've always wanted and needed, but with the help of this has been the easiest thing I've done. If you are in need of a great simple website. Look no further.

I can't recommend it enough.

here's my link for now, my custom domain should be up in 72 hours.

love it. Thank God I'm officially on the internets.